nedeľa 22. decembra 2013

#I just want to know you more, than I actually know myself. That's my problem Mr. Inaccessible.

This Christmas break is something what I don’t need for this time. (Yes you can give me a slap; this is what I actually or probably need more!) Last week was so crazy and I still can’t believe who life I live?! Because mine old one was so ordinary, so boring, for senior with fake denture. And now? I’m as from movie Lara Croft with Angelina Jolie in main character. Okay…  I’m pretty lazy so I don’t do these crazy creations like Lara. But Ela is still more sexy.. Okay I’m not.. Okay. This “OKAY” is really annoying, isn’t it ?Okay.

I suppose that you’re asking : Damn! What is she talking about ? So I should say : I talk about one boy , whit green eyes for who , butterflies in my stomach has regularly flying period. That’s it.

These photos we took two weeks ago with Lusia. She is "pretty one" here. I didn’t add it before, probably therefore that these pictures we took, when was outside too cold. And when I said “too cold” I mean freaking cold niggaaas. (Niggas are fine , I like niggas) And how it related with it? Actually I don’t know.  Awkward .Yay.
Thanks Lusia. And for future article ..we had huge ball you can looking forward to photos and my boring spiel like a bonus. Yay for second time.
Táto Vianočná prestávka je niečo čo pre tentoraz nepotrebujem. (Áno dajte mi facku; to je niečo čo vlastne alebo skôr pravdepodobne potrebujem viac!) Minulý týždeň bol šialený a ja stále neverím (a tým pádom nechápem) koho život to žijem?! Pretože ten môj starý bol tak obyčajný (dovolím si povedať otrepaný), nudný , jednoducho ako pre seniora s falošnou zubnou protézou. A teraz ? Som ako z filmu Lara Croft s Agelinou Jolie v hlavnej úlohe. Okej ..Som strašne lenivá na to aby som robila také kreácie (t.j. pohybové) ako Lara. Ale Ela je stále viac sexy.. Okej tak nie som. Okej. Toto moje "okej" je stašene otravné , však? Okej.

Predpokladám , že sa pýtate : "o čom to sakra hovorí?"Hovorím o chlapcovi so zelenými očami , pre ktoré motýle v mojom bruchu pravidelne zažívajú lietajúce obdobie.
A teraz k veci. Tieto fotky sme s Lusiou fotili asi pred dvoma týždňami. Lusia je tá pekná tu.
Nepridala som ich sem pravdepodobne preto , že keď sme ich fotili bola vonku hrozná zima . A keď som povedala "zima" myslím tým .."dokelu-a-petržlenu" skoro sme zamrzli. A ako to s tým súvisí ? Vlatne neviem. Trapas .Yay.
Ďakujem Lusia. A v ďalšom článku sa už môžete tešiť na fotky z plesu a a moje ďalšie "úplne zaujímavé reči okolo toho".

                                                                      "Les Misérables" <33


Photos by :Lusia
Article and weird person on picture : ElaMitch
©  ElaMitch

pondelok 9. decembra 2013


You know what ? This weather makes me pretty lazy. More then I'm normally.
In my wardrobe is mess. In my room is mess. In my life is mess. You can guess what is in my head. Huge mess. And I don't feel on cleaning this madhouse.
 Have you ever had feeling , that life , which you live is not actually your ? This feeling I have in last time really often. I don't know why or from where is coming but it's here.
Okay and now something more usual. In last article I was talking about my passion in sweaters. Best is when I steal few from my mom's wardrobe. (I love you mommy ..please don't kill me , I promise that I ll bring them back soon. <3) But now I have new passion . This time I wear my bro's shirts like my own and I don't have compunction... yet. But I want see his face when he ll find out that he smells like cucumber melon . HA.

Viete čo ? Okrem toho , že ma toto počko slušne vytáča som lenivejšia ako obvykle.
V mojej skrini je bordel. V mojej izbe je bordel. V mojom živote je bordel. A prekvapujuco môžete len hádať čo je v mojej hlave. Obrovský bordel . A mne sa fakt nechce upratovať tento blázninec.
A teraz niečo viac obvyklejšie. V poslednom článku som hovorila o mojej závislosti na svetroch. Najlepšie keď si ich pár šlohnem z mamčinej skrine. (Mami fakt ťa lúbim , nezabíjaj ma ..sľubujem , že ti ich vrátim skoro <3)
Ale rozvinula sa u mňa nová mánia. Kradnem košele bráchovi a nosím ich ako svoje vlastné. Bez výčitiek svedomia ..zatiaľ. Chcem však vidieť jeho face keď zistí , že vonia ako melónik . Šalala.

nedeľa 1. decembra 2013

#SweatersAreFine. I like sweaters

One my photo from today photo shooting . I quite like it .. good job. It was hard work , what else I should say? Me and my friend are great team . We took about 10 photos (it was fast!! :D) but unfortunately I like only this one. On other photos I look like Russian prostitute. Actually I've never seen Russian prostitute.. Okay , but I don't want looking for how them look like.Hmm I probably should stop talking about it. I'm going to talk about my sweater. This sweater is older then me and I love it. My favorite. This sweater has a big history , my mom in it fall in love to one guy ..they got married and I suppose that you know how this story continues.And I have almost similar story .OK just little little little bit similar .However similar . 
This winter you will bored . I have in my wardrobe about 12 sweaters... HAHA I'm sure that you know what you can expect from me. 
24  outfits..
24 variations .. 
24 x ..sweaters. <3 
I want let you know that I have totally unproductive weekend. I'm so lazy. I want give myself slap for it.. but I'm too lazy for it.Koala 4ever. Have a good week ! 

Jedna moja fotka z dnešného fotenia. Celkom sa mi to páči ... Bola to ťažká prácička , takže čo ešte by som mala povedať? Sme super . Urobili sme tak 10 fotiek , z toho sa mi páčila asi len táto jedna . Na ostatných vyzerám ako Ruská prostitútka .. Netuším ako vyzerajú Ruské prostitútky. Nikdy som žiadnu nevidela. Mala by som o tom prestať rozprávať. Budem rozprávať o mojom supr čupr svetríku . Je starší ako ja a milujem ho. Má veľkú históriu šak to poznáte moja mama v ňom spadla do lásky :D (ha baví ma to používať namiesto: zamilovala sa mi príde teda.Povedzte si to 5 krát a je to pre vás  divné. Všetko je divné keď si to poviete 5 krát)  potom sa vzali ..iste viete ako táto krátka story pokračuje. Aj mne sa v ňom stala podobná story. Je fakt len trošičku podobná. Okej akokoľvek je podobná. 
Túto zimu budete zo mňa znudený. Mám v skrini 12 svetrov. Asi už tušíte čo odo mňa môžete očakávať. *diabolský smiech* 
24 variácií 
24 outfitov 
24 krát svetre inak <3 
Ešte by som sa zmienila , že mám totálne neproduktívny víkend. Som lemra. Chcem si za to dať facku ..ale som na to pochopiteľne lenivá. Koala navždy. Pekný týždeň :P sa praje !

Photos by : TableB
Article and weird person on picture : ElaMitch

©  ElaMitch

sobota 30. novembra 2013


Time flies. Really. And I still don't have it.

I'm not at all surprise that my blog world is totally sad and alone.However I'm sorry. When I should describe my actual situation it only by on word - "busy". Baahh. I like it , but sometimes I just have compunction that I can't spent more time with my family or friends and blog of course. Yes , I spent lot of my time with  them but my circle of friendships is quite bigger and I don't have time for every single one of them. Or maybe I'm with them but I live in my head .This thing makes me feel a bit nervous but I hope that I'll  able to find some daily mode for everything. And when I said - time flies it means ..Whhaatt ?! Yesterday was just September how can be for two days December. This month for me means lot of new ends but so many new beginnings too. For example my dance courses are close to finish and I'm little afraid of it. Hmm and what's about "heey new year is coming!!" ? In second side of look it's exciting and I guess what "NEW YEAR" ll brings to my life. And like every year , everybody are waiting for Christmas , but why ? Yes maybe it's still special event for someone but I think that it's not same like it was in past. I can openly say that I don't like this "Commercial Christmas". But this year I want to little change. I ll try to forget on it and start this Christmas again. With family , love , joy, humility and everything what belong to it :)

 And some news for end.

a) My brother celebrated his Birthday and I bought for him amazing t shirt.
b) My week is full of random meetings.
c)I found someone who makes me happy and sad in same time. this is soo crazy , isn't it ? <3
d)I was in Prague ..G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S !
e) I decided to recycle my old black dress with white combination.
f) I had totally awkward moment when headmaster of my high school was in class. Pray for me pls.
g) I will go to 4 best countries in universe <33 .
h)I write for school magazine.
i) I was on school second High school party . tralala .

So that's all. Maybe not everything ..but however all.
I wish for u nice December . Enjoy it , let me know and have a good time ;) I hope that I will more active in future.

Photos from : Dea , Lucia 
Article by : ElaMitch 

©  ElaMitch

piatok 15. novembra 2013

#Find what you love and let it kill you - happiness

I know that we hear everyday something about happiness . Every person wants it , but not everyone  gets it. So what actually is happiness? Why everybody expect it longingly?

Happiness is just feeling , it’s thing which we get when we do right choice , it’s here in important or happy moments .  It’s volatile and it doesn’t know word – forever. Unfortunately. Humans want to be happy for so long as it gets. Sometimes to happiness you need so little . People are different (I hope that everybody know it.) Someone is glad when he or she just can stay at home with good book , music . Other people like for example going out with friends. I think that between us are people who things that just money can bring them smile on their faces. I know that I don’t have to tell you that it’s wrong attitude. But you can’t influence other persons ..they should decide about their lives.

Happiness sometimes doesn’t look like happiness. We understand it  until it leave us. 

We should appreciate what we have. Give more , take less. This is key to happiness even it sounds like “cliché” .

Add a description.

pondelok 7. októbra 2013

#Remember that every good friend was once a stranger.

 Hello !! This is my article after long time ..I wanna say big sorry for mistakes , this topic is hard for translation :) I hope that u ll enjoy it ..and I will glad when u give me some
comment with opinion ! 
Thanks for check !
Do you believe in fate ? Do you believe in some bigger power , which have to  decides about every right way in our lives ? Do you believe in God ? 

I think about this topic for a long time . Of course, there is many things unclear and when we look at it realistically it still has a mistake and none of these theories is perfect . For example, I believe in God. My adviser , my support ..someone who every time helps me and never asks me : why ? I know that lot of people can argue that I never seen him . “You can't explain it realistically !” If you ever say this sentence you should keep reading .  

Can you imagine that you would had friend who you have never seen before but you would send him letters about your life, dreams , wishes ..? Can you imagine feeling , which would you have after situation in which every your dream comes true ? If person who would hurts you for long time , leave alone . If you would find love after long time . Or if you would find job of your dreams . It is nice idea , isn’t it ? 

Exactly this God do every day . This theoretical description was really brief and easy but whole process even harder. I don't think “harder” physically or psychically. I mean more spiritually . It’s really hard keep your mind on right way. God is not a machine, which you can dictated requirements. He wants something substantial, something you may seem very difficult to understand but it will be worth it. He can forgive us, he can help us and advise but that it would be possible we must open our minds and our hearts . We need to build a relationship.

If you're asking now : when is the right time ? Answer is simple – always . I know that you are afraid but you should know “that every good friend was once a stranger.“

                                                                           ©  ElaMitch


sobota 28. septembra 2013

#Don't go backwards, you have already been there. Fashion part 2 !

Hey gays !! (Omg ...I’m so sorry ..Hello guys !!) :D  
What’s up ? I want to introduce to you my today’s outfit. I dressed it because of big event. I was out with my great friends and I’m really happy now. I have to say that they are funniest persons in universe. My girls , my own edition of “sex and the city” . They are my chiquititas. Like my second family.

But I wanted talk about my today’s outfit , didn’t I ?

For this outfit you will need – white baggy blouse , black laced top , red skirt , black tights ,  strait belt and black shoes . However these awesome shoes I bought yesterday and I officially “love these shoes”. This boots are from Jhon Garfield and they was about 50 € . 

Blouse is from my granny’s wardrobe but I’m really practical sometimes. Hehe !!  Skirt you can find here and also black top (H&M) . 

This outfit is simple but mainly effective. For every event! 
.. | via Facebook

utorok 24. septembra 2013


Hello !! Everybody , everywhere ! 

I know that long time was my blog sad and alone but for this time I’m back ! This first article after long time is more for information and it should be something like my diary. So where I can start ?
Hmm like I said before in last article here school mode is ON and I like this period because I’m in society full of great young people and I’m still laughing . But like always is not my life only happy fairy tail . I’m totally busy I have fuuuuuuull program and it isn’t easy. I should say that I found someone but I don’t think that this boy is right. More NO like YES . You know this boy is trouble .
“Cause I knew you were trouble when you  walked in“ 

He is not gangster or something like this but I think that he lives in totally different universe as me . I can say that is only chemistry between us .. And like u sure know it’s not good base for relationship. Now I unfortunately don’t care . Maybe in future I ll know what is best for me and for everybody around me .  Have a nice day ! :) 