sobota 28. septembra 2013

#Don't go backwards, you have already been there. Fashion part 2 !

Hey gays !! (Omg ...I’m so sorry ..Hello guys !!) :D  
What’s up ? I want to introduce to you my today’s outfit. I dressed it because of big event. I was out with my great friends and I’m really happy now. I have to say that they are funniest persons in universe. My girls , my own edition of “sex and the city” . They are my chiquititas. Like my second family.

But I wanted talk about my today’s outfit , didn’t I ?

For this outfit you will need – white baggy blouse , black laced top , red skirt , black tights ,  strait belt and black shoes . However these awesome shoes I bought yesterday and I officially “love these shoes”. This boots are from Jhon Garfield and they was about 50 € . 

Blouse is from my granny’s wardrobe but I’m really practical sometimes. Hehe !!  Skirt you can find here and also black top (H&M) . 

This outfit is simple but mainly effective. For every event! 
.. | via Facebook

utorok 24. septembra 2013


Hello !! Everybody , everywhere ! 

I know that long time was my blog sad and alone but for this time I’m back ! This first article after long time is more for information and it should be something like my diary. So where I can start ?
Hmm like I said before in last article here school mode is ON and I like this period because I’m in society full of great young people and I’m still laughing . But like always is not my life only happy fairy tail . I’m totally busy I have fuuuuuuull program and it isn’t easy. I should say that I found someone but I don’t think that this boy is right. More NO like YES . You know this boy is trouble .
“Cause I knew you were trouble when you  walked in“ 

He is not gangster or something like this but I think that he lives in totally different universe as me . I can say that is only chemistry between us .. And like u sure know it’s not good base for relationship. Now I unfortunately don’t care . Maybe in future I ll know what is best for me and for everybody around me .  Have a nice day ! :) 

utorok 3. septembra 2013


Yes  , I know that I promised you second part of photos from Paris but I found these photos on my computer and .. This summer afternoon was epic. It was this year and I remember that we were laughing really loud . I don't know why . Maybe because she is like part of my life- like my sister .  However people who know us , know that when we are together it's dangerous combination . 
By the way I will write articles also in my language but only shorter articles . 
I hope that you ll enjoy photos and "Paris edition" will for next time . 

Áno , viem že som Vám sľúbila druhú časť fotiek z Paríža ale našla som tieto fotky vo svojom počítači a .. Toto letné popoludnie bolo epické . Bolo to tento rok a pamätám si , že sme sa smiali naozaj nahlas. Neviem prečo . Možno je to preto lebo ona je časť môjho života - ako moja sestra . Akokoľvek , ľudia ktorý nás poznajú vedia , že keď sme spolu je to nebezpečná kombinácia . 
Pre vašu info budem písať kratšie články aj v Slovenčine . 
Užite si fotky a "Parížska edícia" bude nabudúce .  

                                            I think that in glass was only Ice Tea not wine ..
                                            But I must just always drink like queen ! 3:-D

                                           Myslím , že v poháry nebolo víno len Ice Tea ..
                                           Ale ja musím vždy piť ako kráľovná ! (trápny smajlík ;)
                                                                RaWr .. sweet dinosaur .
                                                                       bananas . why not ?
                                                       Photos by : Wictoria Avanse ,


pondelok 2. septembra 2013


Hello everybody ! 
I know that for older people or adults isn't this day important but for students is . School mode is ON and I must say that this summer was great . One week ago I was in Paris ... This city is breathtaking ! Really I felt like in different world . And if I say different I mean completely everything ! I'm ful of feelings and impressions . This city has so many options for young people and so many things to see.
I was there with my family but I met fabulous new friends . 
We had lot of fun , we were lying under Eiffel tower and it was magic experience for me and such gorgeous  look for every single one of us . We felt freedom and happiness . 

But Paris isn't only about Eiffel tower 

(Yes I know that lot of people go there because of "Iron Lady") 
In reality is Paris city with great atmosphere , 
with a number of historically interesting buildings , with very nice people !
We were there 5 days but we saw a lot :) We visited  : 
Montmartre , Louvre Museum , Moulin Rouge ,Pantheón ,  Latin Quarter ... 

The biggest impression I had when I was standing on "Pont des Arts" it is for me a magical place . So many couples let there every year theirs locks from "their" love. It was really interesting for me thinking about their stories. And if you will some day in Paris you should go there for sure ! 
The Paris kitchen is noble and really fine for me . I schould say that I didn't have frogs or snails LOL .  But I enjoyed it . It's delicious ! And you should try their culinary creations .

And like last I must say that Paris will for me alway good idea and will forever in my mind and ofc in my heart! 
